Tuesday 15 May 2012

Hold on to your hats we're going down....

What a disaster......

My computer decided today it is here and no further and upped and crashed; took everything with it.

I've been in the I.T. Industry in various forms for nigh on 30 years and every time a user has had a crash I have had a quiet virtual laugh behind my hand and knowingly asked them if they have a current back up, in most if not all cases the answer is generally a resounding NO.

Well today I think that the universe filled up to the brim with quiet sniggers and finally overflowed all over my laptop and so down it went not with a flash or a bang, not even a whimper... It just stopped dead in its tracks.

Will the patient recover; only time will tell.....
Do I have a backup..... Sorry you're breaking up..... next question.

So for now I am reduced to the world through the screen on my iPhone.......

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